Event details
- Monday | September 27, 2021
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- 1385 6th Ave Auburn, GA 30011
- 9545912083
This is the ending of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). We get together to shout the Great Hosanna to our King. In Hebrew. Hosanna is two words, Hoshia na, which means “Save now.” We desperately want our Messiah to return to save us once and for all, just as He saved us from the curse of sin and death through His sacrifice on the cross (tree). Join us for a special time of fellowship, and the beating of the willow branches ceremony. “Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Hosanna in the highest!’” (Matthew 21:9)